How Google Cloud Enhances Healthcare

Balancing high patient expectations with maintaining high standards of data security can be a tough act for health organisations.

In this blog, we’ll demonstrate how leading healthcare organisations around the world are streamlining operations and improving the patient experience with Googles cloud-enabled applications.

#1 Improve the patient experience with GSuite

person holding up a smart phone with the word g suite on it

The online directory connects healthcare practitioners to patients across America. This process is facilitated by the provision of Google Chromebooks to participating clinics to allow patients to review their experiences on-site.

On the part of the healthcare provider, Google helps with optimal service provision by providing Chromebook kiosks where patients fill out online surveys on Google Forms on entry.

The information is then sent to a Google Sheet where health practitioners can add updates and administrative information during the patient’s visit.

Members of staff can access these updates in real-time and follow up with the patients immediately if required.

At the end of the visit, patients can fill out the online feedback survey in Google Forms, helping the facility to improve the customer experience.

#2 Smarter healthcare on-the-go

Paediatric Home Service treats children with complex medical needs at home, and its clinicians rely on G Suite for secure, real-time access to patient records on-the-go.

While out on home visits, clinicians are equipped to update charts, file reports and check medication lists and treatments.

Facilities that provide n-home or hospice care will benefit from G suite in the same way. Patient information can be tracked in Google Docs or Google Sheets. The information can be updated in real-time and securely stored on Google Drive.

Diagnostic information, charts, test results and other patient files can also be stored in Google Drive. Giving authorised users access to update data from any location and any device.

In addition to this, Google Hangouts provides the ability to host video calls with patients outside of regular home visits.

#3 Increase collaboration with a centralised information hub

laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table

Google cloud services are a centralised information hub that enhances employee collaboration in real-time. This is why Middlesex Hospital in Connecticut chose G Suite, for the adoption of tools to complement its health technology.

Middlesex Hospital has 3,000 employees that rely on G Suite for its Google Sites intranet portal — bringing calendars, documents and websites together in one place.

Anyone looking to create a centralised employee hub similarly can do so in 2 easy steps:

  1. Move all internal communication, announcements, policy updates and training materials to Google Drive
  2. Create links to them from an easy-to-build Google Sites website

That’s it. You should now have a simple, easy-to-navigate one-stop destination for all vital information which can be easily accessed at any time and from any device.

#4 Collaborate consistently at scale

close up of a magnifying glass on a computer screen

The Roche Group, renown for its research-based pharmaceutical and diagnostic ventures, has brought innovative, life-saving products to patients worldwide for over a century.

When traditional business applications began to hinder, instead of facilitating collaboration within the company, G Suite emerged as the solution for maintaining their robust and innovative track record.

Roche’s 90,000 employees spread across 140 countries and now collaborate in real-time with the help of Google’s Gmail, Shared Calendar, Google Docs and other collaboration tools.

G Suite is cloud-based, making it ideal for inducting new employees into the company once they start. The process is as easy as adding employees from your admin panel, saving you the need to wait for the IT department.

Do you want to see how Google can improve your Healthcare organisation? Drop us a line and speak with one of our Google experts.