Microsoft - Software

Improving Productivity with Office 365 Managed Services

It seems every week a collaboration technology is making headlines in the news. IT Managers are confronted with questions from staff such as should they use Slack or Yammer, can they use WhatsApp instead of Skype or does Zoom have better connectivity than WebEx.

It can get quite overwhelming for management tasked with delivering best practice technology solutions while being constrained on budget. Our team of Office 365 managed IT support technicians are on hand to discuss how Microsoft’s business software can deliver on many of the applications that are coming to market.

Avoid Switching Costs to New Applications

The hidden costs of moving beyond Office 365 is the managed services costs following the on boarding process of applications.

New applications often have many frequent updates which can cause interoperability issues across desktop, tablet and mobile devices. This can increase the cost of managed services when compared to providing training and third-party integration of apps using Office 365.

Lower Cloud Managed Service Costs

Many cloud managed services consultants structure service agreements with 3rd party cloud vendors with minimum ‘use it or lose it’ fixed price contracts.

At Linktech Australia, our office 365 managed services team provide the ultimate flexibility. Speak with us about how best to arrange a managed services contract that covers peak demand usage times across various workplace locations. We understand that different divisions across your organisation at various times have different application usage and the varying requirements for manage services.

Melbourne is the World’s Most Liveable City

Increasingly, IT organisations are outsourcing their cloud managed services to Melbourne as it has been ranked by the EIU as the world’s most liveable city for seven years in a row, from 2011 to 2017. Allow our team specialists to speak with you about which data centres and managed services are required for your cloud solutions. We can also give you advice on what it’s like to live and work in Melbourne as this is our home and corporate office location.