Proactive IT Management: What is it? And why is it better?

Reactive vs Proactive

Out with the old

The traditional approach to IT management has been to react to problems as they come up, typically by outsourcing support where in-house solutions prove insufficient. It’s tempting to take this reactive approach because it has the appearance of saving money. If it ‘ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?

In with the new

The new way of managing IT systems is provided by Managed Services Providers (MSPs) and, in a word, it’s the proactive approach. Let’s drill down to find out why proactive managed IT is increasingly being adopted by forward-thinking organisations as the superior IT solution:

1. Vastly reduced downtime

IT systems have become increasingly integral to your business and when they go down, most organisations become effectively dead in the water. When you assign professionals to manage your IT, your systems are constantly monitored, and regular maintenance is conducted.

This means the majority of server crashes and other critical failures are prevented before they occur. By contrast, in a reactive environment, even if your outsourced IT solution is available 24/7, you’ll still experience downtime as the technician’s scramble to fix the problem.

2. Improved IT processes

Many organisations aren’t even aware of the true potential of modern IT systems. Employing a managed service provider to revamp your systems can unleash productivity like you never even thought possible.

Read more: OneDrive is the Key to Unlocking Office 365’s Most Powerful Features

And it isn’t just about improving productivity. With the growing threat posed by hackers, ransomware, and viruses, cybersecurity is an increasingly daunting liability. Leave it to the professionals to proactively ensure your IT systems are secure.

Read more: Why Outsource Your IT Support?

3. Predictable costs

Unless you’re Apple with half a trillion dollars in cash on hand, chances are cash-flow is important to your organization’s survival. With fixed monthly fees offered by managed service providers, you’ll be able to predict your IT costs months in advance.

This will free you up to dedicate resources to where they offer the potential for growth rather than being forced to sit on a mountain of emergency-only cash.

4. Refined focus on business


Are you an IT company or a business that uses IT as a tool? If it’s the latter, you’re better off leaving more of your IT systems to the professionals. Once you’ve setup a contract with a managed service provider, you won’t have to think or worry about your IT systems anymore.

This will free you up to focus on the things that matter like business development, sales, and customer service.

The adage ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ rings true with regards to how your organisation should manage its IT. In the modern digital-first business environment, can you afford to be sick?