7 reasons why you should outsource your IT in Melbourne

In this article, we’ll explore a few reasons why you should consider outsourcing your technology to a Melbourne based IT or a Managed Services Provider (MSP). In 2019, the focus on cost reduction and efficiency is putting a lot of pressure on Melbourne business.  

Outsourced IT often sits in two camps, where people are trying to save money and select the cheapest option possible (many of which have mostly offshore teams), or the large multinational who will often charge a lot and is slow to react, often leading to sub-par performance.

Both can cause issues for companies who want to fast decisions. The outsourced model looks attractive, but it has its risks especially if the outsourced company is not located in the same city.

According to an article on Computer Economics: outsourced IT support in 2019 accounts for 12.7% of the total IT budgets which is a steep increase from the 9.4% in 2018. The median percentage of IT budgets that go to outside service providers is up this year from 6.4% to 6.7%.

Let’s take a look at seven reasons to make the jump from in-house to third-party IT support in Melbourne

Seven reasons to outsource your IT support in Melbourne

1. Quicker decisions 

When making decisions and investments in your technology, it can take time to get things right. One of the most underrated benefits of an outsourced IT provider in the same city as you, is having local decision-makers.

With many multi-national firms or offshore providers, decisions can take longer.Every decision takes time, and there is nothing worse than cost-overruns because your provider is not fast enough to react.

2. Reduce human resource costs

Human resources are expensive, especially in highly specialised IT fields. Hiring and training staff is costly, and temp employees don’t always live up to expectations.

With a local provider you’ll be able to focus your time and resources to growing the business. Quality IT providers will give you access to an on-site technician who will provide help when you need it.

3. Keep current with the latest certifications

Your technology is continually evolving and keeping track of the most recent certification requirements can be difficult.

How can you make sure your employees are qualified? Certifications from vendors like Microsoft, Citrix, Cohesity and VMware, are essential as is relevant experience. Check with your local IT provider which certifications they hold.

4. Qualifications don’t always equal experience 

Generally, in-house IT employees are not exposed to many environments because they are isolated and only have access to a set number of systems.

Local IT providers the have broad range of skills and experience across various technologies, whilst still being familiar with the local market.

5. Improve effectiveness

The time spent researching, analysing and implementing technology will take that little bit longer if all your IT services and support are internal.

One of the major benefits of an outsources IT model, is that you’ll be able to access local specialists who have the experience and skills to get the job done faster, cheaper and with fewer issues.

6. Stay focused on growing your business

All companies have limited resources and every manager is under pressure to be more efficient with their time.

Outsourcing your IT projects and support to a local provider, will help your organisation stay focused on core business functions, without compromising your direction.  

7. Reduce risk

Business comes with risk and Outsourced providers will take on board your IT risks for you. A quality provider will have specific knowledge for the technology they support.

This can include security, compliance, software, hardware and patching updates. When selecting your provider, you’ll get access to their years of experience and team of experts, mitigating almost any risks.