Want more business value from your cloud investment? Here’s how to get it.

For organisations interested in getting a good ROI in their cloud investments, it will come as no surprise that there is no universally accepted migration strategy; however, there are various ways to get more value from the process. 

Migration to the cloud is a holistic business change rather than just an IT adjustment, and it is best regarded as such. The cloud offers solutions for enterprises wishing to bolster their IT resources to gain a competitive edge, as it facilitates innovation by adopting DevOps and Agile methodologies. 

One of the most straightforward moves to increase the business value from investments in the cloud is to put developers in direct collaboration with operations teams. Once this is achieved, a move to an agile method comes highly recommended, with a change from traditional project management to a team-based approach with product managers and designers working closely together. 

group of people sitting at a table with laptops

Ongoing evaluation

Migration to a hybrid cloud environment offers the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on the overall operating model in a bid to rethink how work is done. More than just a new piece of technology, the cloud offers an opportunity for organisations to break free from constraints such as incompatible code, static operating models, inflexible infrastructure (networking & computing hardware), long procurement processes, or slow server build processes, and rigid services. 

During the cloud transition journey, many organisations realise that their competitive edge comes from applications running on antiquated mainframes, which are difficult to phase out. One solution to this is to slowly encapsulate these systems, allowing some to stay on-premises while others move to the cloud. 

With this solution, the organisation will need to adopt a hybrid approach to data management, including enabling data services with APIs. This way, the organisation can throttle the legacy while building new systems. This approach allows for the most effective value delivery over time by integrating infrastructure, applications, and data in small doses.

man standing in front of a group of people

Advanced planning

Meticulous planning for complete follow-through is necessary to reap the full benefits of the cloud. This might mean balancing large-scale cloud adoption with new work on legacy services that remain on-premises.

It is essential to stay committed to the entire cloud migration journey, as the benefits will only be reaped if the workload moves are completed. While the prospects of cloud migration might generate excitement over the potential for new services, organisations must also stay on top of older services which will need to be meticulously spun down in order.

Helping with your journey

Finally, it is vital to work with an experienced partner and cloud expert like Linktech to help your organisation develop a path to hybrid IT and hybrid cloud footprint in less time than you would, going solo.

 If you’re interested in reaping the full benefits of the cloud, contact us today!