IT strategy: the heart of your enterprise

IT strategy is essential for businesses to succeed in today’s evolving market. With increased globalisation, technology is changing faster than ever before, which makes it harder for businesses to keep up with the demands of their customers without the support of a solid IT strategy.

Moreover, IT strategy helps enterprises stay ahead of the competition and achieve their business goals.

If you want your business to survive and thrive in this dynamic market, you need a comprehensive IT strategy that not only covers your basic business needs, but also incorporates technology into your company’s overall workflow to increase everyday productivity and efficiency.

What is an IT strategy?

An IT strategy is a business technology plan with both short and long-term goals for the allocation of resources to your IT department. It identifies how to grow your business using technology and IT services.

The IT strategy will be aimed at planning for future technological needs, identifying what technologies can be used to grow your business, and providing a plan for risk mitigation.

An IT strategy differs from a business strategy in that it focuses on technological infrastructure that can meet your needs and drive growth. Your business strategy should take these plans into account while planning for the overall operations of your business.

Many businesses are taking note of the importance of having an IT strategy and are implementing it into their workflows, because it helps them keep ahead of the curve and abreast of their competitors. The process that will help you set up a mechanism to achieve what is essential for your business, as well as assisting you to work with your ongoing business needs.

Furthermore, an IT strategy will assist to prevent potential technology problems that might hamper your everyday tasks, and long-term business goals.

What is the importance of an IT strategy?

It is crucial to have a strategic plan to not only improve the day-to-day operations of your business, but to keep up with technology trends, so you don’t fall behind the competition.

An IT strategy will help your business make important decisions, such as which platforms to use, what type of software should be invested in, how much to spend on technology adoption, and how long to wait before making any technological changes.

There are three key benefits of having a well-thought-out IT business strategy:

First, your business can make strategic decisions based on the current needs of the business, and the technology it has available.

Second, your business can use forecasting tools to determine when new technology becomes available, and whether it will be beneficial to take the new tech on.

Third, you can comprehensively identify gaps in your existing system and upgrade them with modern technological tools that improve efficiency and effectiveness, without sacrificing cost or quality.

Digital transformation is a key strategy for business success. Businesses that have implemented digital strategies have seen a significant increase in revenue, customer satisfaction, brand awareness, and employee productivity.

How do you develop a cohesive IT strategy?

The key to creating a comprehensive IT strategy is first understanding your business’ IT requirements, and defining the services used by each department. From there, you can identify additional services that may be needed as part of your employee’s day-today workflows, or new processes that can be implemented within each department.

Key areas to be considered when creating an IT strategy:

  • Overall business vision
  • Core values
  • IT roadmap
  • Competitive advantage
  • Long-term adaptability
  • Continual monitoring
  • IT infrastructure
  • Budget

It’s vital that your IT strategy properly aligns with your business strategy goals. Both the CEO and CIO must be aware about how an IT strategy will integrate and work alongside your business strategy if the two are to function as expected.

The IT strategy will provide budgets, forecasts, and more in order to give you the necessary support to accomplish your goals. It will tackle both short-term and long-term tasks, such as network and program management, facilities, and technology implementation.

One difficulty when creating your IT strategy is that technology trends are constantly changing; you cannot always predict technological advancements or hindrances. Accounting for adaptability in your strategy is a narrow, difficult-to-tread line, but it will give you an edge in the competition and market.

Strategise with the IT experts

If you’re ready to get started creating your IT strategy, but are not sure where or how to begin, get in touch with the digitalisation specialists.

Linktech Australia’s team of IT strategists can help you improve your enterprise’s digital capabilities and make the most of your digital investments. They will help you plan a unique, fully integrated IT strategy to deliver a better end result for your business and enable you to serve the best customer experience possible.