Devices for disadvantaged school children during the Coronavirus crisis

Please donate your working laptops and desktop computers and tablets to benefit disadvantaged school children across Victoria.

The arrival of Coronavirus has impacted every aspect of our lives. Education has been one of the hardest-hit areas. The shift towards remote learning has exposed the digital divide amongst families in our community. 

For disadvantaged children, not having access to the internet or adequate devices has made the transition stressful. This is why Linktech Australia has teamed up with State Schools’ Relief to hold a Computer Appeal for learners at home.  

The mission of State Schools’ Relief (SSR) is to assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Issues such as poverty, neglect, family illness, abuse and homelessness are affecting many Victorian families. SSR provides government school students with new uniforms, footwear and educational resources, including learning devices, but their funding for new devices has run out and they need your help.

Laptops, desktops & iPads for disadvantaged school children across Victoria learning at home.  

The Appeal aims to acquire 1000 devices for children across Victoria by the end of September. With many offices around the state filled with unused desktops, screens, laptops, and tablets (iPads and Android), we believe there shouldn’t be a shortage of devices to donate.  

Any device will make a massive difference to these children and young people in need. A desktop or laptop computer can be the difference between attending class or missing out, being able to engage with education or feeling powerless.

While flashy iPads and the newest technology is excellent, at the end of the day, kids don’t need the latest gadgets. They need something to help them learn and keep pace with their peers via online learning. For many students, merely being able to continue their education is the biggest win of all.

If you would like to help out with the Computer Appeal for remote learners, please contact us or email