10 business benefits of cloud communications

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), cloud-based communications such as VoIP, PBX and Microsoft Teams provide communication tools and services to help your business thrive. Here are ten business benefits to cloud communications.

1. Supports a flexible, adaptable workforce

Since the emergence of the pandemic, cloud technology has become pivotal in supporting business continuity and remote working. Cloud technology offers a plethora of technology services on-demand where the responsibility of the hardware and the technology to make it work sits with the cloud service provider. All that’s needed is a device and an internet connection. Cloud communications work together with other cloud technology services whereby businesses have their telephony system hosted with a cloud provider, decoupling it from the physical office environment where the “work from home” office is made possible.

2. Eliminates the need for physical phone systems

Cloud communications services eliminate the need for physical office space and hardware such as phone systems, servers, and physical phones, including the staffing costs needed to support them. With cloud technology, the entire infrastructure of a business can be virtual. Outsourcing the phone system means businesses don’t need to worry about keeping abreast of updates and the latest technology as this is all taken care of by the cloud provider.

3. Communication options that support individual business needs

Modern communications are moving away from traditional phone networks and online to the internet where businesses can still have traditional phone numbers and present professional communication.

VoIP has been around for some time and is a technology where phone calls are made over the internet using a physical phone. Cloud-based VoIP means that the hardware used to power the phone network is not on-premises but with a cloud provider. There is the option to use different devices such as a physical VoIP phone or a headset and computer. Cloud-based solutions such as PBX allow phone calls to be made internally within a company. Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaborative cloud-based tool that allows for file sharing, instant messaging, and virtual communications within teams.

4. Multi-platform unification

For those enterprise-level businesses wanting a company-wide communicational model, Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is a highly efficient communication service with one interface that can be used on any device or platform. It presents a unified company solution and incorporates VoIP as well as other services such instant messaging, video conferencing, email, voicemail, speech recognition and file sharing.

5. Cost savings

Apart from eliminating the need for physical phone systems, cloud phone technology options offer a monthly pay-for-what-you-use costing model. Cloud technology makes budging easier so there are no surprises.

man sitting at a table using a laptop computer

6. Supports innovation and growth

The scalability of cloud technology supports business innovation, growth and experimentation. It’s easy to add and remove resources. If a business wants to try something new, they don’t need to buy expensive hardware and then get rid of it later if the plan doesn’t work to their favour. This scalability allows businesses to remain competitive as they can quickly take advantage of opportunities they would have otherwise had to forgo. This gives them a competitive edge.

7. Cloud telephony supports a more productive business

The efficiency of cloud communications systems supports the powerful transformative collaboration that cloud technology provides. This increases productivity so staff can focus on their priority tasks. They are not bogged down by inefficient communication systems. Working hand-in-hand with other cloud services, cloud communications solutions centralises workflows and business communications.

The barrier of having to communicate with employees or business partners while you are in a physical office is removed with cloud communications. Professional communication is attainable through any device from anywhere around the world. The office moves with you, supporting remote workers.

8. Present a professional and reliable brand

Cloud service providers have many powerful servers and data centres so if one fails, data loads are seamlessly transferred to another server. This is beneficial to disaster recovery. Cloud services reduce the risk of downtime. Once connected to the cloud, a device has access to its fast speed. There is no need to worry about a slow video call. Cloud communications platforms allow businesses to present a reliable and professional brand.

9. Powerful data to improve the customer experience

Cloud technology provides real-time data collection, such as statistics on calls, which can be used to make business decisions to improve customer experiences. The data can also be used to take advantage of opportunities or to find weaknesses in business processes.

10. Savvy cloud functionality

Cloud communications allows businesses access to savvy phone features such as sophisticated PBX exchanges with benefits such as receiving voicemail by email, fax server, integrated electronic billing, click-to-call, call forwarding, call recordings which can be saved in DropBox, waiting for queue and high-definition calls.

These are just some of the benefits that cloud communications can offer businesses. Talk to the experts at Linktech Australia to find out more about cloud technology and the power of cloud communications.