Aria Health is a specialist aged care healthcare provider that focuses on providing comprehensive geriatric assessments across Victoria, Australia. As a specialist healthcare provider, Aria Health’s vision is for all older people living in residential care to have access to the best holistic specialist care, provided in a timely, considered and compassionate way The mission of Aria Health is to optimise the health and quality of life of older people. Provide compassionate and comprehensive specialist advice to people living in residential care, and to support general practitioners in caring for older people.
Aria Health’s regulatory demands require information to be stored securely; the organisation also required a robust communication platform to collaborate on sensitive information. The incumbent IT provider wasn’t actively updating their systems or providing the support required to offer world-class aged healthcare.
Linktech Australia’s team designed and implemented a digital transformation blueprint that took advantage of Microsoft 365’s advanced security framework and communication tools. Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and Enterprise Mobile Security (EMS), were implemented using Autopilot and Intune to make onboarding new devices a breeze, while improving security procedures.
A new unified communication & collaboration platform based on SharePoint Online and Teams was implemented, enabling remote doctors to discuss sensitive information while adhering to strict regulations
Founding Partner Aria Health
Aria Health’s workforce is primarily mobile, doctors are on the road, and they don’t have the luxury of hosting applications and infrastructure in the office. The organisation required a flexible approach to manage and secure their data while conforming to legal requirements for storage, transmission, and backup of sensitive information.
Aria Health also needed a new IT service provider to help keep their technology up to date and secure. The incumbent IT provider was not updating infrastructure and wasn’t providing them with leadership for Aria Health’s IT systems. The organisation was relying on out-of-date technologies to support a mobile workforce and was unable to meet its goals of being abreast of future-focused digital capability to support patient care.
Communication and collaboration software was not integrated, and the organisation relied on a myriad of security practices that made the user experience cumbersome.
Sanka Amadoru engaged John Keefer from Linktech Australia, to see how the organisation could improve collaboration and communication throughout the business while improving the time it takes to resolve remedial IT issues.
As a senior founding partner at Aria Health, Sanka Amadoru, was spending too much of his time making sure that technology was in working order, chasing up their supplier and making sure admin staff were processing information.
Senior Consultants from Linktech Australia, Harinder Giri and Matt Buchholz investigated Aria Health’s people, processes and technology to provide a blueprint that streamlined the business. The Linktech Australia team discovered that Aria Health’s incumbent provider set up several applications that didn’t talk to each other, and their infrastructure was out of date. This resulted in double handling of tasks and posed potential security risks because each application had a different security protocol.
John and Giri presented a new digital transformation blueprint based on the Microsoft 365 stack. The blueprint took advantage of Microsoft’s advanced security framework and communication solutions. The team from Linktech Australia chose Microsoft 365 to utilise Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and Enterprise Mobile Security (EMS), also giving the organisation access to Autopilot and Intune.
Once this was complete, the Linktech Australia team streamlined Aria Health’s multi-factor authentication, giving employees a consistent experience across the organisation. Now everyone has access to the same authentication processes across all devices. Linktech Australia then established ATP and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to protect data; at the same time, this made Aria Health leaders in the industry with their new compliance and data protection technology.
Once complete, Aria Health was ready to take advantage of Microsoft’s unified communication approach; bringing voice, text, data and documents under the one secure umbrella. The team from Linktech Australia designed a new SharePoint Online intranet that’s integrated with Microsoft Teams; this integrated approach meant that documents and communication are now accessed in real-time from one application.
Sanka Amadoru said “The team at Linktech Australia are onto it, they unified our communications, our tools now are a lot easier to use and keep track of. They are responsive and available when we need them. It used to take 20 minutes to two hours for our old provider to pick up the phone, and many times tickets would remain unanswered. Now we get an answer within minutes, and Linktech Australia fix issues without our staff even noticing”
Aria Health is rapidly growing; the organisation also required a solution to streamline employee onboarding. Linktech Australia Implemented Autopilot and Intune, simplifying new device setup while enforcing the organisations advanced security policies.
“Onboarding has become a lot simpler. It used to take hours to get a new laptop setup. All we need to do is email Linktech Australia, and everything is sorted out in the back end. A new working laptop is delivered on time, loaded with all the applications working out of the box.” said Sanka.
Aria Health is enjoying a new way of working, their systems are secure, and they can communicate more efficiently; bringing everything & everyone together. The organisation is now wasting less time on IT issues and spending more time on improving patient health.